About Our
The Promised House is a not-for-profit organization that focuses on middle to high-school-aged young men facing the greatest obstacle based on risk factors shown by research. We select young men for our program who are most in danger of school failure, gang and drug involvement, criminal behavior, and aggressive behavioral issues.
Our Programs
Promised House will provide housing while assisting them with daily living tasks such as getting to and from local schools, maintaining close contact with school staff, teaching life skills, providing emotional support as needed, practicing household chores, eating, and sleeping habits, academics, and participating in community recreation while creating routines and disciplinary policies. We will also provide life opportunities
School Success
Regular school attendance
Positive School Behavior
Successful Course Performance
Social & Emotional Development
Identifies relationships with peers and adults who provide support and connection to resources
Improved Health
Healthy Nutrition​
Regular physical activity
Understand & use preventative physical and mental health resources
Making Good Choices
Engaging in positive extracurricular activities
Engages in non-aggressive behavior
Makes self-guided decisions to avoid risky behavior
Plans & Skills for the Future
Attain skills for safety and independence
Youth can set short and long term goals and monitor progress towards them